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An Introduction to the School of Information Management and Artificial Intelligence, ZUFE

Formerly known as the Department of Economics and Management, the School of InformationManagementand ArtificialIntelligencewas founded in October 2001. Covering the disciplines of computer science, management science and engineering, the school runs one graduate program—management science and engineering, and four undergraduate programs—information management & information system, artificial intelligence, e-business and software engineering. Information management & information system and e-business are provincial first-class undergraduate programs in Zhejiang.

Theschool has altogether 1,200 full-time undergraduates, and 79 faculties and staff members, among whom 63 are professional teachers,49hold Ph.D. and6hold overseas Ph.D. In the pastfiveyears (2015-2019), it has made remarkable achievements in such areas as data science & intelligent decisions, smart supply chain & complex system management, business intelligence & financial technology, and industrial engineering & intelligent manufacturing technology. Altogetherwehave 91 research projects, among which 35 are sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 56 sponsored by theMinistry of Educationof China and Provincial Natural Science/Social Science Foundation. About 200 academic papers have been published in such SCI/SSCI-indexed international journals as IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Information Sciences, Decision Support Systems, and Knowledge-Based Systems; 3 prizes are awarded by the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province for their outstanding contributions to teaching and research.

In various undergraduate discipline competitions such as International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC), Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest, and ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest, our students have secured, in the past fiveyears, 27internationalmedalsand 93 nationalmedals. Besides, our students have won altogether 49 research projects sponsored by theNationalStudent Scientific Research Foundation and42ZhejiangProvinceTalent Planning Projects.

The school has altogether 10 research labs of artificial intelligence, e-business and cloud services, computer network and security, smart hardware and IoT, financial data analytics and visualization, et al. Covering an area of more than 4,800 square meters, the total assets of experimental center reach RMB 13,000,000 yuan. In 2019, the laboratory was approved as the Key Demonstration Center of Experimental Teaching in Zhejiang Province. In recent years, the school hasstrengthened its ties withgovernment, enterprises and institutions. It set up research cooperation with Zhejiang Finance Bureau, Zhejiang Audit Association, Hangzhou Municipal Government, Zhejiang Higher People’s Court, et al.It has set up a series of students practice bases with such famousITenterprises as Alibaba,Alipay,Baidu, iFlyTek, Tata and Infosys.

In recent three years, 100% of the school enrollment exceeds the admission score of the first batch of universities in Zhejiang Province. The students’ scores are all above 600 and ranked among 40000 in Zhejiang Province. The school has a strong atmosphere forthegraduate entrance examination and postgraduate entrance examination.Manyundergraduatesgo abroad for furtherstudy, and half of them are enrolled in the world’s top universities, such as University of Southern California, University of Bristol, University of Sydney, City University of Hong Kong, et al. 70% of the graduates have been admitted to study for the doctor’s degree in well-known universities in China. The school adheres to “open education” as the bridge and link. It has successively established exchanges and cooperation with such overseas universities as Loughborough University in the United Kingdom, University of Texas in the United States, and University of Oulu in Finland, and carried out teachers and students exchange, and scientific research cooperation. Since 2014, the Sino-US exchange summer course jointly offered by our School and the University of Texas at El Paso has attracted many American students for further study.

With competitive employability, our graduates are popular with employers. In recent years, the average employment rate is more than 97%. Every year, nearly 80% of the graduates are employed to be professional technical talents by such well-known Internet and IT enterprises as Microsoft, Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu, as well as financial industries and government departments. According to the 2019 graduates salary statistics of ZUFE released by Zhejiang Provincial Education and Examination Institute, the average salary of the current graduates and previous graduates (those graduated three years before) of computer science and technology (now artificial intelligence), e-business and software engineering are ranked in the top ten of the University, while software engineering and computer science and technology are ranked in the top three. Our alumni have made outstanding achievements in the fields of Internet, information technology and e-commerce, including the chairman and CEO of Hangzhou Yowant Network Co., Ltd., the CEO of Zhejiang Zhonghui Investment Management Co., Ltd., the CEO of Zhejiang Tonlan Technology Co., Ltd., and the Secretary of the board of directors of CAITONG Securities Co., Ltd, et al.
